Late night genius.

WOAH, a whole minute later and I’d have posted this a day later and spoiled my ongoing saga! Anyway…

I’ve been up quite late over Christmas, and just recently… for no apparent reason, I have been getting brain waves for stories and jokes to put in the Justice League Eastleigh comics over at Pirate Radio

These are the same comics I predict to complete by 2020, and that’s only if I can find a couple of willing artists to take on some (perhaps paid) work.

Still, look forward to new details released I guess. I haven’t got too much of a Blog on today (get your blog on, but I’ll have some interesting stuff to talk about over the next few days. Oh, and I did update my Livejournal earlier, so it’s not like I haven’t done much… Actually, that’s a thread that leads onto one of my next articles… CAUSE I’VE BEEN DOING LOADS.

Oop. Hush hush.